Selected Scriptures to Strengthen Young Hearts
I selected every thing from the KJV Bible that would be good and appropriate for children to hear read to them. I read from these books aloud to my children daily. We read through them, from Genesis to Revelation.

What Would Jesus Do?
10 imaginary stories that give an idea of “What would Jesus do?” Or what would you do if He showed up to see you today?

Tell-a-Pic Colourfully illustrated true stories of a miraculous and mysterious nature, as told by 11 year old A. Charles (also the artist).

The FREDDYMEMBERS Book 25 short stories with cute animal friends as the characters to bring out happy-living tips. Written by 9 year old Patrick—who loves animals; and colourfully illustrated by A. Charles, 11 years old. Included also in the book is a lovely art-filled introduction. Welcome to FREDDYMEMBER Land!

Story Time with the Master
Short imaginary story booklets, with black and white illustrations, to help you feel happier and heal faster. Curl up and enjoy these simple yet special stories that have a way of soothing and calming tender hearts–of children and parents alike.

Creatures with Character
Character-building imaginary stories with animals featured as an important part of each story. Booklets with easy to read text. Perfect for children practicing their reading on own, or reading with Grandma or Grandpa for a bedtime story. Some are illustrated, others are just text (besides the front cover).

Treasures in the Snow
Written for youth and adults, an imaginary long story book—with many new poems–set in a time many years ago. It’s a treasure to be enjoyed especially at Christmas time, or anytime. Though younger ones may not understand it all, for the most part it can be read as a family, at the parents’ discretion, if…