Tell-a-Pic Colourfully illustrated true stories of a miraculous and mysterious nature, as told by 11 year old A. Charles (also the artist).

With God as Our Guide
An inspiring and hearty collection of true stories, aimed to be appropriate for pre-teens, teens and adults. Selections maybe be appropriate and inspirational for older children as well. Great for reading practice during home study time with its clear sized text and interesting content. Good for family devotions with its faith feeding accounts; or a…

Interesting Old Books
What was life like a century ago?—Or several hundred years back? Take a trip with these writers, as you read of their adventures and discoveries; learn about people, places, cultures, geography, animals, intriguing discoveries, and more. Enjoy relaxing with these true stories, journeys accounts, and other positive writings. Good for older children, teens, and adults….

Jesus Loves Us Children
We know from Jesus’ example in the Bible that He loves children very much. Since He can’t physically be here with children now, He depends on those around them to pass on His loving care to them. But even though we do all we can, there are things that even the best parent, caretaker or…

Heavenly Help
“Heavenly Help” is a series of heart-cheering, true, short stories for children. Each booklet contains one story presented with large text coupled with a simple water painted picture on each page. The thread of the wonderful accounts in these booklets shows that Jesus’ love is there for us, and we are within the reach of…

Amazing True Stories
A selection of 100 true stories within four books, for all ages that will leave you amazed and inspired; perhaps even a bit puzzled at how such things could have happened. The goal of sharing these accounts is to provide you with material that can build your faith in God’s love and care, and to…