Helpful Hints–Book 1
A power-packed, two-book set; an easy to understand and put-into-effect book that in a concise way covers 50 topics on polite manners, good care of self and health, coping with feelings and thoughts, developing good behaviour and character traits, and more. The books contain practical advice and steps to take to be an example of…

12 Berry Beary Kind Stories
A book with 12 black and white illustrated stories in the “Berry Beary Kind” series. Some of the same stories included in this book are also in other booklets on this site, but this book has more pictures—one on each page.

Life’s Little Lessons–Scripture Companion
This book accompanies the “Life’s Little Lessons” book. The pictures are the same, however the text is scripture; Bible verses that go along with the topic discussed in the other book of this title.

Bible Ballads
Great for teaching the Bible to those who learn best through traditional aural/oral methods. With “Bible Ballads” you can teach and memorize the condensed story of the whole Bible in rhyme, chant, song, and simple pictorial images (black and white).

Sailor’s Tale
“The Sailor’s Tale” is written by Charles (8 years old), an illustrated by him and his brother Liam (10). This book takes you on a journey by sea. Sail out with James Wollock as captain, and see what you discover.

Prayer Works 1800s–Flannelgraph
Simple flannelgraphs to help you tell selected stories from the Gift of Faith book “Prayer Works! –1800s” to young children, teaching them how Jesus cares and answers our prayers.

Imaginary stories of three young brothers, and their joys, lessons, and simple life experiences with their family. Faith and character building. Suitable for all ages of children. Illustrated with black and white line art; could be use as colouring books, and coloured by the children.

With God as Our Guide
An inspiring and hearty collection of true stories, aimed to be appropriate for pre-teens, teens and adults. Selections maybe be appropriate and inspirational for older children as well. Great for reading practice during home study time with its clear sized text and interesting content. Good for family devotions with its faith feeding accounts; or a…

Interesting Old Books
What was life like a century ago?—Or several hundred years back? Take a trip with these writers, as you read of their adventures and discoveries; learn about people, places, cultures, geography, animals, intriguing discoveries, and more. Enjoy relaxing with these true stories, journeys accounts, and other positive writings. Good for older children, teens, and adults….

The First Easter
Children’s illustrated booklet, telling the story of the resurrection of Jesus in a gentle, inspiring way. (A5, 24 pgs.)