Calendar of Courage
“365-366 True Stories—With strengthening Scriptures” – For every day of the year, a courage-boosting true story along with a Bible Scripture and coloured photo.

Story Time with the Master
Short imaginary story booklets, with black and white illustrations, to help you feel happier and heal faster. Curl up and enjoy these simple yet special stories that have a way of soothing and calming tender hearts–of children and parents alike.

Moments with the Master
A series of 50 topics for refreshing and reflecting in quiet moments. Each topic includes writings such as true stories, reflections, poems, words from Jesus, Bible verses, praises and prayers, along with lovely contributed art and photos.

Treasures in the Snow
Written for youth and adults, an imaginary long story book—with many new poems–set in a time many years ago. It’s a treasure to be enjoyed especially at Christmas time, or anytime. Though younger ones may not understand it all, for the most part it can be read as a family, at the parents’ discretion, if…

The Adventures of Beary Little Cub
A cute and cuddly imaginary story book series, teaching all sorts of things—for children and parents! Each book about 10 chapters. Stories set from the animals’ perspective gives new insight and interesting topics of learning. Enjoy developing a closer friendship with your children, while reading this together.

Fountain of Faith–Book 2
The second book of faith-and-courage boosting Bible verses telling God’s promises, side by side beautiful photos. Inspirational, fear dispelling. (See write up for Book 1)

Morning Bells
A book written by by Frances Ridley Havergal (who lived: 1836-1879). 30 devotional readings, along with a Bible verse and short poem. Layed out with beautiful photos.

Helpful Hints–Book 1
A power-packed, two-book set; an easy to understand and put-into-effect book that in a concise way covers 50 topics on polite manners, good care of self and health, coping with feelings and thoughts, developing good behaviour and character traits, and more. The books contain practical advice and steps to take to be an example of…

12 Berry Beary Kind Stories
A book with 12 black and white illustrated stories in the “Berry Beary Kind” series. Some of the same stories included in this book are also in other booklets on this site, but this book has more pictures—one on each page.