Bold and Brave for the Bible
Coloured posters of various men and women of the past, who showed themselves to be “Bold and Brave for the Bible”.
A Visit To …
Learn about life and living, people and places around the world through travel logs and stories of visits and trips taken, illustrated with photos.
Deep Health
The back of the magazine says: Honestly sharing with you secrets I’ve discovered. Hoping my experiences and economical tips for healthy living will activate and inspire you to explore and take action with enlivening ideas that bring love, laughter and liberty into your life. As you take time to read and think about these tips…
With God as Our Guide
An inspiring and hearty collection of true stories, aimed to be appropriate for pre-teens, teens and adults. Selections maybe be appropriate and inspirational for older children as well. Great for reading practice during home study time with its clear sized text and interesting content. Good for family devotions with its faith feeding accounts; or a…
Living Healthy and Happy
Tips and facts for living a healthy and happy life, presented in easy-to-understand ways with clear, large text, partly illustrated with colour photos. Great material for health and body studies.
Intra Muros
A jewel of a book, written in the late 1800’s. Rebecca’s Springer tells of her wonderful experience when she was taken to Heaven for a time. It will lift your heart to heaven, and give hope and joyful anticipation for the beautiful land that awaits all of us who love Jesus and have received His…
Interesting Old Books
What was life like a century ago?—Or several hundred years back? Take a trip with these writers, as you read of their adventures and discoveries; learn about people, places, cultures, geography, animals, intriguing discoveries, and more. Enjoy relaxing with these true stories, journeys accounts, and other positive writings. Good for older children, teens, and adults….
Historical Highlights–5 Pack
Five power-packed booklets that cover the most important events in the history of the world. These start with the creation of the world, and end with the recreation of the new Earth, by God. These colourfully illustrated booklets will help to answer important questions and make clear the way to a happier life here and…
ABBC 500% (Level 4)
These reading and study files compiled of fascinating facts, true stories, Bible passages and discussion, and learning assignments can add a rich supplement to an older child or pre-teen’s educational experience. It’s real learning, in real ways, with quality input material. (There will be 20 books covering 100 lessons in this level—5 lessons per book….
Bible Lesson Activity Pages
Colourful and fun learning pages that go along with “Beautiful Bible Treasures Lessons” for levels A, B, C. Of course, the less seat work and paper work young children do, the better; but at times children who have a good balanced life with plenty of active learning, may enjoy some activity/learning pages that add variety…